b'Sha-Ran Window Services South Central Iowa Solid Waste Agency Storey KenworthyRandy Horn Jennifer Frampton Ryan BoyingtonP.O. Box 537 1736 Hwy T17 1333 Ohio St.Oskaloosa, IA 52577 Tracy, IA 50256 Des Moines, IA 50314-3421(641) 660-8233 (641) 828-8545 (515) 288-3243sharanwindows@gmail.comjframpton@sciswa.org info@storeykenworthy.comGeneral contracting; residential andwww.sciswa.org www.storeykenworthy.comcommercial building, and remodeling. Provide solid waste management ser- Office supplies, furniture, vices. promotional items and printing.Ship It! Total Choice Shipping Sports Page Grill Sunrise MHCLesli Nelson Julie Berns Carol Oliver809 W. 8th St. 1111 W. 16th St. 314 Sunrise ParkPella, IA 50219 Pella, IA 50219 Pella, IA 50219 S(641) 628-4888 (641) 620-1149 (641) 628-4482shipit@totalchoicepella.com www.thesportspagegrill.com olivers1127@yahoo.com www.shipitpella.com Sports bar and restaurant. Mobile home park, lot rental;TProfessional packing services and pack- Affordable housing.ing supplies.UPS, FedEx, USPS, DHL,Sports Page Sporting Goodsinternational shipping, passport photos,Philip Hemming Sunshine Center Laundromatphoto copies and faxing. 1542 Washington St. Jon Van WoerkomPella, IA 50219 1009 Washington St.Silver Lining (641) 628-4999 Pella, IA 50219Lorie Melhus phil@sportspageteam.com (641) 780-2638733 Franklin St. www.sportspageteam.com glenda.vanwoerkom@gmail.comPella, IA 50219 Name brand sporting goods, shoes,Laundromat services.(641) 780-3836 apparel & equipment; custom screen silverlining33@gmail.com printing, embroidery & uniforms.Super 8 Hotelwww.silverliningpella.com Dhaval Desai PACE ALLIANCE MEMBERSGifts for all occasions are presented inState Farm Insurance - Kevin Van Wyk 105 E. Oskaloosa St.fun, attractive vignettes. Kevin Van Wyk Pella, IA 50219-2202606 Oskaloosa St. (641) 628-8181Simple Treasures P.O. Box 199 super8pella@gmail.comShawna Miller Pella, IA 50219-1620 www.super8.com/pella710 West 1st Street (641) 628-2550 Hotel/Motel, clean rooms, Pella, IA 50219 kevin@kevinvanwyk.com friendly atmosphere, reasonably (641) 628-2662 www.kevinvanwyk.com priced. Recently remodeled in slmiller@iowatelecom.net Personal and business insurance, life2016. New beds, flat screen LED www.simpletreasures.com and health, financial services,tvs.Inspired home decor, flea market andretirement planning, farm and crop salvaged finds uniquelyinsurance.Tassel Ridge Winerydisplayed on the square. Bob WersenSteenhoek Appraisal, Inc. 1681 - 220th St.Smokey Row Coffee Co. Randy Steenhoek Leighton, IA 50143Krista Bennett 612 Washington St. (641) 672-9463639 Franklin St. Pella, IA 50219 info@tasselridge.comPella, IA 50219 (641) 613-3240 www.tasselridge.com(641) 621-0008 requests@steenhoekappraisal.com Winery. Find wine-related items, contactus@smokeyrow.com www.steenhoekappraisalinc.com local cheese, chocolate, and www.smokeyrow.com Farm, home and commercial real estatemore in their Tasting Room.Coffee house, restaurant, ice cream,appraisals. Residential appraisals for soda fountain; historic atmosphere. mortgages, dissolution of marriages, estates, trusts, probate, listing appraisals, PMI remov-al, farm appraisals.20'